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League Age: 15-16 years old

Age: Typically, this division is comprised of players with a league age of 15-16 years old. However, 14 year old players are eligible to participate, if selected.  

Philosophy: In this division, players will utilize their acquired skills and natural ability to perform on the highest-level stage of Little League Baseball. Players are expected to be advanced in defensive and pitching skills and equipped offensively to perform well at the plate and around the bases. The dimensions used are the same as a full-size baseball field and include a 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. The goal for players at this level is to hone fundamental skills and perform as a cohesive unit in executing strategies at the plate and in the field while comprehending the various aspects of traditional baseball. This division is open bases; players are allowed to lead off of the bases. 

Team Managers and Coaches: Parent participation is one of the keys to the success of any youth volunteer league. Coaching is a great way to enjoy time with your child while introducing the skills essential for children in this age group and developing the fundamental elements of baseball. Responsible parents are needed as managers, coaches, sponsors, team parents, and scorekeepers. We are asking for volunteers now to begin to experience the joys of providing young players with a fun and lifelong baseball experience. Please sign up as a volunteer at the CSLL website or during registration. 

Prior to each Spring and Fall season, we conduct coaching training to review practice techniques and drills to make practices more productive.  

If you cannot help, please remember that your coach is a volunteer and give them your full support. 

Equipment: CSLL provides players with a cap and game jersey. Parents will be responsible for player pants, socks, and belt and glove. The manager of the team will inform parents of the team jersey color and will recommend what color socks, belt and pants to purchase. In addition, there will be bats, helmets, and catcher's gear at the field for players to share. A baseball glove is the only equipment required. The glove should be the softest and largest the player can handle. Well broken-in leather gloves work best and will enable the child to catch and hold onto the ball better than a smaller, stiff, plastic version. Rubber baseball cleats are recommended. 

Players are permitted to bring their own batting helmets and/or bat provided that they meet Little League standards. Bats must Little League-approved

Evaluations: Players in this division must attend Player Evaluations in order to be eligible for All-Stars. The purpose of the evaluations is to promote a competitive balance between teams. Check the Facebook page or the website for the Player Evaluation dates for each season. We will also try to send out an email with these dates. 

Team Formation: Teams are formed via a draft which takes place after Player Evaluations. Each team is allowed 1 Head Coach/Manager and 2 Assistant Coaches and their children on a team, then the remaining players are drafted in snake format.  There are no protected players or coaches in this division. More details on the draft process can be found in the CSLL Ground Rules Manual. Due to the size of our league, requests for specific teams, players or coaches are unable to be honored. Once teams are formed, coaches will contact and inform the team of practice schedules and other essential information. Team placements are considered final once the draft process is complete. 

Player Notification: After the teams are formed, your coach will send out an email with all the team information. The coach will be your primary contact person throughout the season. 

Rules: All divisions play by the rules set forth in the current version of the Little League rulebook. Additionally, local ground rules have been established to implement best practices for our league. This is division is subject to the pitching limits set forth by Little League. Any additional rules for this division will be supplied to the coaches, players and parents. 

Practices and Games: The practice schedule for this division will consist of two practices per week. Once games begin, there will be two games per week typically on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. Due construction at Brian Bachmann Athletic Complex most practices and home games will be held at other league locations. Some games may be held against other leagues within our district. Some travel may be required.  

Practice and game schedules will be available on the website when we have them ready.

Post Season (Spring Only!): CSLL Senior division players are given the opportunity to sign up for selection to an All Star team that will participate in a tournament against other teams within District 33 and beyond. If your child decides to participate on one of the teams, the season will likely extend into July and potentially August. To be eligible for the tournament, your child must have attend/participated in spring evaluations, also players must live or attend school within the CSLL boundary and have played in a minimum number of games during the season. 

Field Conditions: The City of College Station updates their field conditions after 4 pm daily. In the event of weather, we will make a determination about games after we speak with the City of College Station. There is a link on our homepage for Field Conditions. We will also update via the Facebook page and through our website.

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